Alex Judd
Founder/CEO of Path For Growth
Appears in 240 Episodes
6 Core Human Needs with Jay Owen
Jay Owen is not only a good friend, but also a leader and business owner. He owns Business Builders, which is a digital marketing and web design organization based out...

Adventurous Marketing with Jonathan Ronzio of Trainual
Jonathan Ronzio is a mountain climber, adventurer and is one of the cofounders of Trainual - a company that helps business owners create digital training playbooks. We...

Freedom From Urgency Part 2
There are 6 things you need to focus on to gain freedom from urgency; in part one, we covered: 1. Margin: leave more time than you think you need for the things that...

Creative Callings with Amber Williams
Amber Williams owns a brand strategy and messaging organization. She leads a team of people who work with businesses on their branding. She is one of the most creative...

Calling Trumps Opportunity with Kelly Kreger
Do you have the courage to differentiate between calling and opportunity? Do you own your business, or does your business own you? Are you using your gifts and strengt...

Freedom From Urgency Part 1
You can't do it all when you're in a frantic frenzy. You are someone that needs freedom from urgency. You need to go on this path to finding freedom from urgency. In t...

Career vs. Calling with Dee Ann Turner
You will never go wrong prioritizing people, and this interview with Dee Ann Turner proves it. Dee Ann is a best-selling author, a 33-year veteran of Chick-fil-A, Inc....

Effective Onboarding
Onboarding creates an opportunity for leaders to maximize the effectiveness of their teams. Impact-driven leaders provide a clear path for the person to become outrag...

Less Distraction, More Respect with Jerold Nichols President of Amber Electric & Path for Growth Coach
College isn’t for everyone; if you can work hard and respect others, you will be set. Jerold proves this with his story in this special interview. A good way to respec...

Evaluate Your Time
Although we believe that time is the most valuable resource we have, we ignore where our time is actually going. If most people treated their money the way they treate...

Comfort is the Enemy of Growth with Michael Easter Author of The Comfort Crisis
We believe that comfort and growth never co-exist. Today's guest lines up perfectly with that belief. Michael Easter is recognized as one of the world's leading voices...

Become More Confident
Confidence is a healthy assurance in what's been learned from the past, what is true in the present, and what's possible in the future. There's a difference between ...

Setting Worthy & Winnable Goals with Nick Carrier, Founder of Best You
The specificity of your strategy will never exceed the specificity of your vision. People do not achieve their goals because they have not clearly defined what succe...

Building In Public #1: First 90 Days After Hiring a Chief Operating Officer
How do you scale a business? Identify and own your skillset and strengths Hire people who are so passionate about your purpose and vision that they're excited to do ...

Maximize Counseling
Counseling helps you serve others by living a life of balance, integrity, and constant growth, counseling helps you guard against self-deception. Five steps that you h...

Achievement vs. Fulfillment with Mike Valiton
What would it feel like to crush all your goals and look in the mirror to see a hollow shell and a failure? Mike Valiton knows because he did it. 29 years old and the ...

Healthy Conflict
Growth and impact are not created by the absence of conflict. They are created by the presence of healthy conflict. There are 4 primary reasons why impact-driven lead...

Michael Hyatt: The Leadership Strategy of Jesus
Michael Hyatt is a New York Times bestselling author and the founder and Chairman of Michael Hyatt & Company, a productivity and leadership development firm helping su...

6 Perspectives You Need to Grow
3 Foundational Truths The way you view things, determines the way you do things. Your outcome will rarely exceed your outlook. A clear and healthy perspective. Is ...

Be A Good Steward & Minimize Waste with Paul Akers Founder & President of FastCap
Nature does an excellent job of eliminating waste; humans have a propensity to create waste. As leaders, there are resources at your disposal, and you have a calling t...

How to Struggle Well
Growth requires struggle, that’s a given, but your growth and the growth of those you lead is dependent on how you respond to that struggle. Will you respond poorly, o...

Be Present in Every Circumstance with Rob Wall of Reach Ministries
To be present, you have bridge the gap between who you are and what you do. The art of being present requires discipline. Rob Wall doesn't believe in work-life balance...

Ask Better Questions
A great leader asks great questions because a leader's effectiveness is based on their questions, not their answers. The quality of your conversation reflects the qual...

Build a Business Bigger Than Yourself with Chris Prenovost, Founder of AZPRO
Eighteen years old working at Taco Bell, Chris realized he didn't want to work for anyone else. So he launched two businesses, and along the way, he learned how to bui...

Maximize Your Morning
Bad habits are rooted in what you do. Good habits are rooted in who you are. In order to make the most of your morning, start by asking yourself: who are you called to...

Creating a Leadership Culture with Kevin Scott Co-Founder of ADDO
Today Alex is Joined by Kevin Scott, who co-founded the leadership consultancy ADDO, which is Latin for "Inspire." This week they discuss: How to Build a Leadership ...

Lead With A Loose Grip
8 Characteristics of Loose Grip Leadership: Peace of mind, cheerfulness of spirit, & contentment of heart A standard of commitment, not perfection A willingness to ...

Are You Leading With A Clenched Fist?
Leading with a clenched fist creates: Anxiety that increases proportionally to your growth Fear that you will one day lose control Resentment that you can’t have o...

Steven Pressfield on: Confronting The Resistance, Time Management, Going Pro, Creative Work, Discipline and Habits
If you ever feel like something is getting in your way and making you second guess yourself or causing you to procrastinate from doing the work you feel called to, the...

Vision & Execution
It might be simple, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Sometimes leaders fall into the trap of sophistication bias and buy into the idea that complexity conveys importan...