Are You Leading With A Clenched Fist?

Leading with a clenched fist creates: Anxiety that increases proportionally to your growth  Fear that you will one day lose control Resentment that you can’t have or retain the thing you most need, control Seven questions to determine if you are leading with a clenched fist: Have your attitude, actions, and well-being become beholden to an outcome?  Is worry about work keeping you from being present at home?  Do you need to be involved in the process?  Are you overextended and overcommitted yet unwilling to let go?  Is your health, family, or faith suffering because of prolonged seasons of overwork?  Are you actively working to portray an image of having it all figured out?  Have you lost the ability to love what you do right now? Our whole team is rooting for you. We want to see you win! Remember, my strength is not for me; your strength is not for you; our strength is for service. Remember to Rate, Review, Subscribe, and Share! Sign up for the newsletter Join us on Instagram and Facebook Resources: Show Notes PDF

Leading with a clenched fist creates:

  • Anxiety that increases proportionally to your growth
  •  Fear that you will one day lose control
  • Resentment that you can’t have or retain the thing you most need, control

Seven questions to determine if you are leading with a clenched fist:

  1. Have your attitude, actions, and well-being become beholden to an outcome?
  2.  Is worry about work keeping you from being present at home?
  3.  Do you need to be involved in the process?
  4.  Are you overextended and overcommitted yet unwilling to let go?
  5.  Is your health, family, or faith suffering because of prolonged seasons of overwork?
  6.  Are you actively working to portray an image of having it all figured out?
  7.  Have you lost the ability to love what you do right now?

Our whole team is rooting for you. We want to see you win!

Remember, my strength is not for me; your strength is not for you; our strength is for service.

Remember to Rate, Review, Subscribe, and Share!

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Creators and Guests

Alex Judd
Alex Judd
Founder/CEO of Path For Growth
Premium podcast services for busy people and organizations. Visit to learn more.
Are You Leading With A Clenched Fist?
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