Alex Judd

Alex Judd

Founder/CEO of Path For Growth

Appears in 240 Episodes

5 Lies that Limit Growth

If you don’t believe that where you’re going matters, and that it’s possible for you to get there, you won’t be able to grow. In this episode, Alex shares five popular...

Get On Offense Part 2

Getting on offense allows you to stop living as a victim and start actively participating in the creation of the life and business you want to have. In this episode, A...

Scaling Excellence with Patric Yumul

As president of the MINA Group, Patric Yumul excels at scaling excellence across locations, cities, and teams. MINA Group owns and operates more than 30 restaurants ar...

2 Paths for Growth

Healthy growth doesn’t happen by accident, and it requires you to choose the second of two paths for growth. In this episode, Alex shares 11 dichotomies that demonstra...

4 Reasonable Requests

Do you hesitate to make certain requests of your team because you feel like they’re unreasonable? Some of the requests leaders feel most uncomfortable asking are compl...

Lead From a Place of Health with Pastor Todd Mullins

As the leader of Christ Fellowship Church, Pastor Todd Mullins has built healthy growth into the fabric of the church. And you can feel it when you visit the church, f...

Get On Offense

If you want to win the game, you have to eventually stop playing defense and get on offense. In this episode, Alex shares five reasons why it’s important for leaders t...

Purpose is in Your People with Herb Sargent

Herb Sargent is someone who truly exemplifies what it means to be an impact-driven leader. As the President and CEO of Sargent Corporation, he’s dedicated his career t...

7 Practices for Healthy Business Relationships

The health of your relationships will often determine the health of your business. In this episode, Alex explains how you can identify the key relationships that are e...

Success is Solving Problems with Nick Carrier

If you want your business to succeed, you need to continually find ways to solve the problems that your customers are experiencing. In this episode, Nick Carrier retur...

7 Strategies for Attracting the Right People

Just because someone is great doesn’t mean they’re the right person for your organization. To find the right people, you need to look beyond your hiring process and ma...

Lessons from Endurance Racing Part 2

If you want to learn something new, try pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and seeing what you learn along the way. In this episode, Alex shares seven more ...

Principles for Strength Amidst Uncertainty with Jeremy Stalnecker

Lately, change seems to happen by the day. Navigating this uncertainty as leaders is a process that constantly calls us to lead with strength, truth, and adaptability....

Lessons from Endurance Racing Part 1

Episode Description: When you go further than you thought you could go, you learn lessons you never knew you could learn. In this episode, Alex shares seven of the big...

Preparing for Recession Part 2

Good leaders respond to a crisis, but great leaders prepare for it. In this episode, we continue our conversation about preparing for a recession by talking through 5 ...

Multitasking is Dead with Thatcher Wine

Any time we choose to pay attention to something, there’s naturally a cost. And if we’re not intentional about where we’re placing our focus, we’re probably wasting ti...

Preparing for Recession Part 1

Since recessions are a natural part of the economy’s ups and downs, the question isn’t if we’ll go into a recession; it’s when. And while there’s no way to fully “rece...

Building in Public #3: Alex (CEO) & Olivia Graham (Coaching Manager)

One of the most important decisions a leader can make is finding the next right person to join their leadership team. In this episode, Alex talks with Path for Growth ...

4 Responsibilities for Leading 300+ Person Teams Part 2

The strategies that help an organization grow to 300 people will not be effective in getting it to 1,000 people. In this episode, we continue our conversation about th...

Working in an Uncertain World with Mike Valiton

Uncertainty is not something we can avoid, but there are steps we can take to better prepare ourselves and our businesses for the unknown. In this episode, Mike Valito...

4 Responsibilities for Leading 300+ Person Teams

As businesses grow, the things that once worked well for them will inevitably stop working — especially once an organization grows to 300 people or more. For our 100th...

The 10 Commandments of Continuous Improvement with Ron Pereira

No matter how strong your business’ processes and systems seem, there is always room for refinement. In this episode, Ron Pereira unpacks the 10 Commandments of Contin...

What I've Learned From the Strongest Leaders I Know

One of the best ways to grow as a leader is to surround yourself with other great leaders and pay attention to what they’re doing differently. In this episode, we talk...

It's Time to Operationalize Your Business

Many people assume that starting a business will require them to hustle relentlessly for 3-5 years, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Through operationalization, lea...

7 Lessons From the Orthodox Jewish Community

One of the keys to practicing healthy growth is the ability to focus on and prioritize the things that matter most. The Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York...

How to Begin, Beat Challenges, and Build Culture with Clay Steves

The best leaders aren’t always the people who excel from the start, but rather those who stay committed to always growing. Clay Steves, owner and CEO of Habakkuk Healt...

A Strategy for Personal Growth

Effective leaders don’t just help others grow, they’re also committed to continual growth in their own lives. In this episode, we unpack five practices that help leade...

Leaders Simplify the Complex with Jon Collins, Co-Founder of the Bible Project

When running a creative business, it’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day operations and lose the opportunity to spend time creating. While expanding the BibleProject...

On Perfectionism

People often say that perfectionism is unproductive, but it’s also toxic, dangerous, and prideful. In this episode, we explore how perfectionism gets in the way of pur...

6 Enemies of Delegation

Most leaders know how to delegate, but they often struggle to do it effectively. In this episode, we break down six internal enemies that keep the impact-driven leader...

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