Vision, Delegation, Scale, and Growth with Bryan and Shannon Miles - Part 2

If you want to scale your business, you’ll need to be intentional about both delegation and personal growth. In this episode, Alex continues his conversation with Bryan and Shannon Miles about healthy business ownership. Bryan and Shannon leverage their own experience as multi-time, successful business owners to share practical advice and examples for our listeners. They also explain how you can be one of the first to get involved with their new nonprofit for leaders, O’nr. You won’t want to miss this one!

Episode Recap: 
  • Today we’re continuing our conversation on business ownership with Bryan and Shannon Miles (2:22)
  • What was the hardest thing for you to delegate, and how did you approach that? (4:55)
  • How do you know when to speak up when delegating? (14:28)
  • What is a whitewater season, and how do you navigate them?? (17:12)
  • Why is the personal growth of leaders so important to you? (24:32)
  • What personal growth rhythms are most important to you? (27:31)
  • Where to learn more from Bryan and Shannon (31:24)
  • What would you say to a business owner who’s feeling discouraged? (33:19)

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“Predictable Success” by Les McKeown

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Creators and Guests

Alex Judd
Alex Judd
Founder/CEO of Path For Growth
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Vision, Delegation, Scale, and Growth with Bryan and Shannon Miles - Part 2
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