How to Create a Committed Team with Rusty Fulling - Part 1
Running a business is often less like sailing a cruise ship and more like rowing in a rowboat — if you want to get anywhere, you need to have a team that’s committed. In this episode, Alex talks with Rusty Fulling about actions you can take to build a more committed team. Rusty is the founder and CEO of Fulling Management and Accounting, and his company is an amazing example of what can happen when you surround yourself with people who share your vision. Listen to the end to find out about a free offer that will allow you to learn more from Rusty!
Episode Recap:
Episode Recap:
- Over the next two episodes, we’ll talk with Rusty Fulling about building a committed team (2:12)
- Why is a committed team vital for impact-driven leaders? (3:25)
- Your team should be less committed to its leader than to its vision (7:18)
- Building a committed team requires continued investment; in this series we’ll break down 5 actions that can help (11:37)
- 1. Hire people you want to be committed to (12:57)
- How do you establish higher standards? (16:31)
- Why should leaders stop hiring for resume fit? (24:05)
- 2. Be a committed leader (27:31)
- How do you respond when your people are in crisis? (31:57)
- What does it look like to build in the margin you need to be a committed leader? (40:14)
- How to learn more from Rusty (45:27)
- Join us next time to talk about the final 3 actions for building a committed team (49:35)