Developing a Healthy Mind - Part 3
A healthy mind won’t just happen for you overnight; it needs to be cultivated, guarded, and sustained through daily habits. In this episode, Alex outlines 5 daily actions that directly impact the health of our minds. He also challenges us to choose one of these habits to try out this week and see how our mindsets begin to shift in the process. This is the final part of our series “Developing a Healthy Mind,” so make sure to catch up on the first two episodes if you haven't already!
Episode Recap:
Healthy minds need to be cultivated, guarded, and sustained (1:00)
Today we’ll talk through the habits that will help you develop a healthy mind (4:50)
Prayer: Focus on what you can control and pray for what you can’t (5:20)
Daily Habit: Set a 10-minute timer and focus on the acronym ACTS (9:53)
Silence: We are surrounded by noise, but quiet is valuable (15:42)
Daily Habit: Find time to sit in silence for 10 minutes (19:41)
Exercise: Introducing movement can transform your life (20:09)
Daily Habit: Add a 30-minute walk to your routine (25:01)
Writing: Journaling helps you notice the story unfolding around you (25:57)
Daily Habit: Try writing for 10 minutes about one of these prompts (27:28)
Gratitude: Focusing on gratitude decreases stress and increases humility (28:25)
Daily Habit: Write down or verbalize 3 things you’re grateful for (30:01)
Choose one of these five habits to apply this week (31:31)
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A healthy mind won’t just happen for you overnight; it needs to be cultivated, guarded, and sustained through daily habits. In this episode, Alex outlines 5 daily actions that directly impact the health of our minds. He also challenges us to choose one of these habits to try out this week and see how our mindsets begin to shift in the process. This is the final part of our series “Developing a Healthy Mind,” so make sure to catch up on the first two episodes if you haven't already!
Episode Recap:
- Healthy minds need to be cultivated, guarded, and sustained (1:00)
- Today we’ll talk through the habits that will help you develop a healthy mind (4:50)
- Prayer: Focus on what you can control and pray for what you can’t (5:20)
- Daily Habit: Set a 10-minute timer and focus on the acronym ACTS (9:53)
- Silence: We are surrounded by noise, but quiet is valuable (15:42)
- Daily Habit: Find time to sit in silence for 10 minutes (19:41)
- Exercise: Introducing movement can transform your life (20:09)
- Daily Habit: Add a 30-minute walk to your routine (25:01)
- Writing: Journaling helps you notice the story unfolding around you (25:57)
- Daily Habit: Try writing for 10 minutes about one of these prompts (27:28)
- Gratitude: Focusing on gratitude decreases stress and increases humility (28:25)
- Daily Habit: Write down or verbalize 3 things you’re grateful for (30:01)
- Choose one of these five habits to apply this week (31:31)
Follow the podcast on Apple or Spotify
Try Path for Growth 1on1 Coaching Free for 14 Days
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Connect with our Founder Alex Judd on LinkedIn and Instagram