Defining the theme for your year is the practice we're focusing on in today's content episode.
Impact-driven leaders are intentional; they are not passive and reactive. So we're jumping into 2021 with intentionality and focus. We're going to define a specific word to characterize the year and use it as a filter for our brain to categorize the things we are learning and areas we are growing in.
Here are some actional steps for today's content:
Set a deadline
Root your word in something meaningful
Choose a word that makes you excited and uncomfortable
Find people to hold you accountable
Align your habits with your word
Focus on your theme
on 01/04/20 1:00-2:30 PM CST, we're hosting a free Personal Path For Growth Workshop to help walk you through a 5 step process on building habits and a vision plan that supports your word. If you are interested in joining, please send an email to
Our whole team is rooting for you. We want to see you win! Remember, my strength is not for me; your strength is not for you; our strength is for service.
Remember to Rate, Review, Subscribe, and Share!
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
Your Plans: God's PlansTim Keller Message
Defining the theme for your year is the practice we're focusing on in today's content episode.
Impact-driven leaders are intentional; they are not passive and reactive. So we're jumping into 2021 with intentionality and focus. We're going to define a specific word to characterize the year and use it as a filter for our brain to categorize the things we are learning and areas we are growing in.
Here are some actional steps for today's content:
- Set a deadline
- Root your word in something meaningful
- Choose a word that makes you excited and uncomfortable
- Find people to hold you accountable
- Align your habits with your word
- Focus on your theme
on 01/04/20 1:00-2:30 PM CST, we're hosting a free Personal Path For Growth Workshop to help walk you through a 5 step process on building habits and a vision plan that supports your word. If you are interested in joining, please send an email to
Our whole team is rooting for you. We want to see you win! Remember, my strength is not for me; your strength is not for you; our strength is for service.
Remember to Rate, Review, Subscribe, and Share!
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
Your Plans: God's PlansTim Keller Message