10 Actions to Practice Effective Listening
Effective listening is not just a useful skill to have; it’s a vital part of leading well. In this episode, Alex explains why listening is so important for leaders. Then, he breaks down ten practical actions that will help you become a more effective listener. With time and practice, you’ll find yourself listening better and see your leadership improve as a result.
To lead is to listen (0:58)
1. Ask curious questions (6:30)
2. Practice non-verbal affirmation (7:56)
3. Seek out perspectives from those who haven’t spoken up (9:33)
4. Make eye contact (11:46)
5. Get your phone off the table (12:53)
6. Practice verbal affirmation (13:53)
7. Assume you don't understand the person’s perspective (15:24)
8. Use the phrase, “What I hear you saying is…” (16:38)
9. Cultivate the belief that all people are really interesting (18:32)
10. Get reps (20:01)
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Lessons in Leadership by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Connect with Our Founder Alex Judd on LinkedIn and Instagram
Effective listening is not just a useful skill to have; it’s a vital part of leading well. In this episode, Alex explains why listening is so important for leaders. Then, he breaks down ten practical actions that will help you become a more effective listener. With time and practice, you’ll find yourself listening better and see your leadership improve as a result.
- To lead is to listen (0:58)
- 1. Ask curious questions (6:30)
- 2. Practice non-verbal affirmation (7:56)
- 3. Seek out perspectives from those who haven’t spoken up (9:33)
- 4. Make eye contact (11:46)
- 5. Get your phone off the table (12:53)
- 6. Practice verbal affirmation (13:53)
- 7. Assume you don't understand the person’s perspective (15:24)
- 8. Use the phrase, “What I hear you saying is…” (16:38)
- 9. Cultivate the belief that all people are really interesting (18:32)
- 10. Get reps (20:01)
Try Path for Growth 1on1 Coaching Free for 14 Days
Download the Free Reading Guide
Lessons in Leadership by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Connect with Our Founder Alex Judd on LinkedIn and Instagram